First Treatment Center dedicated to  Proctology Consultation

प्रोक्टोलोजी परामर्शको लागि समर्पित पहिलो उपचार केन्द्र

Proctologist Consultation Procedure

A proctologist consultation consists of a history review, physical exam (DRE), diagnostic testing, therapy discussion, and follow-up for rectal and anal health assessments. Proctology consultations often include the following steps:

  • Schedule an appointment with our proctologist physician.
  • Discuss your medical history, including any medications, relevant illnesses, and family background.
  • The proctologist will examine your rectal and anal areas for abnormalities using methods such as ocular inspection and digital rectal examination (DRE).
  • Additional procedures, including as an anoscopy, colonoscopy, or imaging scans, may be required to thoroughly analyze your situation.
  • The proctologist will go through the outcomes, review treatment options, and create an individual strategy.
  • Attend follow-up appointments as needed to monitor progress and modify therapy.

प्रोक्टोलोजी परामर्श प्रक्रिया

प्रोक्टोलोजिस्ट परामर्शमा इतिहास समीक्षा, शारीरिक परीक्षा (DRE), डायग्नोस्टिक परीक्षण, थेरापी छलफल, र गुदा र गुदा स्वास्थ्य मूल्याङ्कनहरूको लागि फलो-अप समावेश हुन्छ। प्रोक्टोलोजी परामर्शले प्राय: निम्न चरणहरू समावेश गर्दछन्:

  • हाम्रो प्रोक्टोलोजिस्ट चिकित्सकसँग भेटघाटको समय तालिका बनाउनुहोस्।\
  • कुनै पनि औषधि, सान्दर्भिक रोगहरू, र पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि सहित आफ्नो चिकित्सा इतिहास छलफल गर्नुहोस्।
  • प्रोक्टोलोजिस्टले ओकुलर इन्स्पेक्शन र डिजिटल रेक्टल एग्जामिन (DRE) जस्ता विधिहरू प्रयोग गरेर असामान्यताहरूका लागि तपाईंको मलाशय र गुदा क्षेत्रहरूको जाँच गर्नेछन्।
  • अतिरिक्त प्रक्रियाहरू, एनोस्कोपी, कोलोनोस्कोपी, वा इमेजिङ स्क्यानहरू सहित, तपाईंको अवस्थालाई राम्ररी विश्लेषण गर्न आवश्यक हुन सक्छ।
  • प्रोक्टोलोजिस्टले परिणामहरू मार्फत जानेछ, उपचार विकल्पहरूको समीक्षा गर्नेछ, र एक व्यक्तिगत रणनीति सिर्जना गर्नेछन्।
  • प्रगति अनुगमन गर्न र थेरापी परिमार्जन गर्न आवश्यक अनुसार अनुगमन अपोइन्टमेन्टहरूमा भाग लिनुहोस्।
Proctology Consultation

What is Proctology ?

Proctology is the medical profession that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the rectum, anus, and colon, generally known as the lower digestive system. While “proctology” is still a recognized term, it is less widely used nowadays. Doctors that specialize in this field are now more commonly known as colorectal surgeons or colon and rectal surgeons.

प्रोक्टोलोजी भनेको के हो ?

प्रोक्टोलोजी चिकित्सा पेशा हो जसले मलाशय, मलद्वार, र कोलोनलाई असर गर्ने विकारहरूको निदान र उपचारमा विशेषज्ञता दिन्छ, जसलाई सामान्यतया तल्लो पाचन प्रणाली भनिन्छ। जबकि “प्रोक्टोलोजी” अझै पनि एक मान्यता प्राप्त शब्द हो, यो आजकल कम व्यापक रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। यस क्षेत्रमा विशेषज्ञ डाक्टरहरू अब सामान्यतया कोलोरेक्टल सर्जन वा कोलोन र रेक्टल सर्जनहरू भनेर चिनिन्छन्।

When should you visit a proctologist ?

तपाईंले प्रोक्टोलोजिस्टलाई कहिले भेट्नुपर्छ?

proctologist consultation

Rectal Bleeding:

Rectal bleeding, especially if bright red, may suggest hemorrhoids, anal fissures, or colorectal cancer.

Changes in Bowel Habits:

If you have major changes in your bowel habits, such as persistent constipation, diarrhea, or alternating between the two, consult a proctologist to rule out underlying illnesses like IBS or IBD.

Anal Pain or Discomfort:

Anal pain, itching, burning sensations, or discomfort during bowel movements can indicate problems such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, abscesses, or infections that need to be evaluated and treated.

Presence of Lumps or Masses:

If you observe any lumps, swelling, or masses around the anus, or if the size, shape, or texture of your anal area changes, consult a proctologist to establish the cause and the best course of action.

Rectal Prolapse or Incontinence:

A proctologist should evaluate rectal prolapse (rectum protrusion through the anus) and fecal incontinence (inability to regulate bowel movements) to determine severity, identify relevant variables, and prescribe treatment options.

Family History of Colorectal Conditions:

If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, or hereditary disorders like familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) or Lynch syndrome, a proctologist may recommend regular screenings and consultations for early detection and management.

Failed Conservative Treatments:

If you have tried conservative treatments for piles or anal fissures (e.g., dietary changes, over-the-counter medications, or home remedies) and symptoms persist or worsen, consult a proctologist.


Frequently Asked Questions

High fiber food, Apples, Legumes, Bananas, Watermelons, Cucumbers, Raspberries, Potatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, etc. 
उच्च फाइबर खाना, स्याउ, फलफूल, केरा, तरबूज, काकडीहरू, रास्पबेरी, आलु, ब्रोकाउली, फूलगोभी, आदि  I

Red Meat, Low-fiber foods, Oily foods, Fatty, hot and spicy foods, Caffeinated drinks and beverages, Alcohol, Smoking, etc.
रातो मासु, कम फाइबरयुक्त खानाहरू, तेलयुक्त खानेकुराहरू, चिल्लो, मसालेदार खानाहरू, क्याफिनयुक्त पेय पदार्थ, रक्सी, धुम्रपान, आदि  

Involves no cuts or incisions, No risk of infections, No scar formation, No major post-surgical complications, Minimal bleeding compared to open piles surgery, Fast recovery, etc.
कुनै काट्ने वा चीरा समावेश हुदैन, संक्रमणको जोखिम कम हुन्छ, कुनै दाग बस्दैन, सल्यक्रिया पछि जटिलता हुदैन, ओपन पायल्स सर्जरीको तुलनामा न्यूनतम रक्तस्राव, छिटो निको हुन्छ, आदि 

It ranges from 30 – 60 thousand depending on the case.
केस मा निर्भर गर्दछ र यो ३० देखि ६० हजार सम्म हुन सक्छ।

You only need to remain at the hospital for two hours after surgery. We will contact you for a single follow-up appointment to ensure that everything is satisfactory, and if so, no further follow-ups will be necessary after your laser treatment for piles.
शल्यक्रिया पछि तपाईले दुई घण्टा मात्र अस्पतालमा बस्नु पर्छ। सबै कुरा सन्तोषजनक छ भन्ने कुरा सुनिश्चित गर्न हामी तपाईंलाई एक चोटी फलो-अप अपोइन्टमेन्टको लागि सम्पर्क गर्नेछौं, र यदि सबै कुरा ठिक छ भने, तपाईंको पायल्सको लेजर उपचार पछि थप फलो-अपहरू आवश्यक पर्दैन।

A team consisting of a senior GI surgeon of Teaching Hospital, an Anesthesiologist, and medical staffs (Nurse).
शिक्षण अस्पतालका वरिष्ठ जीआई सर्जन, एनेस्थेसियोलोजिष्ट र मेडिकल स्टाफ (नर्स) सम्मिलित टोलीद्वारा लेजर सल्यक्रिया गरिनेछ 

You can visit Clinic Neo from Sunday to Friday at 3 – 7 PM and on Saturday from 8 – 10 PM. You can call 9805678379 and 01-5907370.
तपाईं आइतवार देखि शुक्रवार सम्म साझ ३ देखि ७ र शनिबार बिहान ८ देखि १० सम्म क्लिनिक नियोमा आएर चेकअप गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ। डाकटर संग समय लिनको लागि ९८०५६७८३७९ र ०१-५९०७३७० मा सम्पर्क गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ