
piles treatment in nepal

आधुनिक लेजर प्रविधिले पायल्स, फिसर, फिस्तुलाको कम दुखाइमा उपचार

आधुनिक लेजर प्रविधिले पायल्स, फिसर, फिस्तुलाको कम दुखाइमा उपचार What are Piles? Piles, medically known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in or around the lower rectum and anus. When the walls of these vessels stretch, they become irritated. Piles are caused by increased pressure in the lower rectum due to straining during bowel movements, […]

आधुनिक लेजर प्रविधिले पायल्स, फिसर, फिस्तुलाको कम दुखाइमा उपचार Read More »

piles treatment in nepal

Treating Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas with Modern Laser Technology: A Less Painful Solution

Treating Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas with Modern Laser Technology: A Less Painful Solution What are Piles? Piles, medically known as hemorrhoids, are swollen blood vessels in or around the lower rectum and anus. When the walls of these vessels stretch, they become irritated. Piles are caused by increased pressure in the lower rectum due to

Treating Piles, Fissures, and Fistulas with Modern Laser Technology: A Less Painful Solution Read More »

Fissure Treatment Cost in Nepal: Affordable Pricing

Fissure Treatment Cost in Nepal: Affordable Pricing The Rise of Fissure Cases in Nepal The rise of fissure instances in Nepal can be assigned to a variety of factors. One of the primary causes is a shift in dietary patterns, with modern lifestyles resulting in increased intake of processed foods rich in fat and poor in fiber. Constipation

Fissure Treatment Cost in Nepal: Affordable Pricing Read More »

Fissure Doctors In Nepal (1)

Fissure Doctors in Nepal: Who Are the Best?

Fissure Doctors in Nepal: Who Are the Best? Importance of Consulting a Fissure Doctor For small amounts of fissure, over-the-counter medications and home remedies may offer temporary relief. However, a specialist’s consultation is essential for an accurate diagnosis and thorough treatment plans. Proctologists and colorectal surgeons, other names for fissure specialists, are medical professionals with vast

Fissure Doctors in Nepal: Who Are the Best? Read More »

best doctors for piles

Nepal’s Top Experts: The Best Piles Doctors

Nepal’s Top Experts: The Best Piles Doctors Importance of Consulting a Piles Specialist For small amounts of piles, over-the-counter medications and home remedies may offer temporary relief. However, a specialist’s consultation is essential for an accurate diagnosis and thorough treatment plans. Proctologists and colorectal surgeons, other names for pile specialists, are medical professionals with vast training

Nepal’s Top Experts: The Best Piles Doctors Read More »

Piles भनेको के हो

Piles भनेको के हो ?

Piles भनेको के हो ? पायल्स, जसलाई चिकित्सकीय भाषामा हेमोरोइड भनिन्छ, तल्लो मलद्वार र मलद्वारमा वा वरपर सुन्निने रक्तनलीहरू हुन्। जब यी भाँडाहरूको पर्खालहरू फैलिन्छन्, तिनीहरू चिढिन्छन्। पाइल्स भनेको मलद्वार चलाउँदा, लामो समयसम्म बसिरहँदा, दीर्घकालीन कब्जियत वा पखाला लाग्ने, तौल बढी हुनु वा गर्भावस्था र सुत्केरी हुँदा तल्लो मलद्वारमा दबाब बढेको कारणले हुन्छ। सामान्यतया खतरनाक

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